Some notes on the Pontryagin dual

Let G be a locally compact abelian topological group (hereafter abbreviated ‘LCAG’). Its Pontryagin dual[α] Ĝ is defined as the space of continuous group homomorphisms α:GO, where O represents the circle group, with a group operation defined pointwise. We will write α,g for α(g)O, and write group operations multiplicatively except for R and its subgroups.

Some examples


Generalizing the Fourier transform

Recall that any locally compact group has a right-invariant real-valued measure, the Haar measure, and that it is unique up to a scalar factor. In what follows, G is a LCAG and Ĝ its dual, and μ and μ̂ respectively represent a fixed choice of Haar measure for each of the two groups. Let f:GC be an absolutely Lebesgue-integrable[γ] map (not necessarily a group morphism), and consider the integral f̂(α)=Gf(g)α,g¯dμ(g), where O is once more considered as a complex subgroup. Since |α,g|=1, |f̂(α)|G|f(g)α,g¯|dμ(g)=G|f(g)|dμ(g)<, so the integral does indeed exist. This is the generalized Fourier transform: bearing in mind that the Haar measure on discrete groups is simply the counting measure, the cases we have already looked at correspond to common forms of the transform as follows.

G=Ĝ=Rordinary (continuous) Fourier transform
G=Z, Ĝ=Odiscrete-time Fourier transform
G=O, Ĝ=ZFourier series
G=Ĝ=Z/nZdiscrete Fourier transform

The inverse transform

Provided f̂ is also absolutely integrable, the inverse transform can be constructed similarly: f(g)=Ĝf̂(α)α,gdμ̂(α).

[Proof of inversion theorem goes here.]

Multiplication and convolution

We can prove a version of the Fourier convolution theorem in this setting. Let p,q::GC. Their convolution pq is defined pq(g)=Gp(h)q(gh1)dμ(h). Now consider the integral I=G2|p(h)q(gh1)|dμ(g)dμ(h)=G|p(h)|G|q(gh1)|dμ(g)dμ(h). Under the change of variable k=gh1, bearing in mind the invariance of the Haar measure, I=G|p(h)|G|q(k)|dμ(k)dμ(h)=G|p(h)|q1dμ(h)=q1G|p(h)|dμ(h)=p1q1. Since the integral is absolute, Fubini’s theorem[δ] tells us that we can reverse the order of integration: pq1=G|Gp(h)q(gh1)dμ(h)|dμ(g)G2|p(h)q(gh1)|dμ(h)dμ(g)=I=p1q1<, meaning that pq̂ is defined.

To compute it, observe that since |α,g|=1 we can apply Fubini’s theorem again: pq̂(α)=GGp(h)q(gh1)dμ(h)α,g¯dμ(g)=G2p(h)q(gh1)dμ(g)dμ(h)=Gp(h)Gq(gh1)α,g¯dμ(g)dμ(h). Making the same substitution k=gh1, pq̂(α)=Gp(h)Gq(k)α,hk¯dμ(k)dμ(h)=Gp(h)α,h¯dμ(h)Gq(k)α,k¯dμ(k)=p̂(α)q̂(α), completing the proof.

By a similar argument, an equivalent statement holds for the inverse transform as well: pq̂=p̂q̂.


[α] Named after Soviet mathematician Лев Семёнович Понтрягин Lev Semyonovich Pontryagin (1908–1988).
[β] Wikipedia assures me that this exists, but when I tried to prove it I didn’t get very far.
[γ] Recall that f is absolutely integrable if its L1 norm f1=G|f(g)|dμ(g) exists and is finite.
[δ] A generalization to the Lebesgue integral of the fact that double sums can have the order of summation reversed whenever their convergence is absolute.